Tuesday, April 27, 2010

36 weeks

Cameron is getting so tall. All she wants to do is stand and if she's not standing then she is crawling towards the next thing to pull up on. She is such a happy baby!

Cameron has started on finger foods. She is so focused when she is trying to get a piece into her mouth. As Oma Joni described it, she is very "dainty" when she eats. She goes slow and tries to pick it up so carefully. She even takes little bites with her front teeth. She is also doing "SO BIG!" and putting her arms up when we ask, "How big is Cami?"

Daddy got Cami to take a nice nap while Mommy got some work done around the house on Sunday. Cameron also took "inventory" of all of her toys! LOL!

She's liking the grass more every day!

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