Tuesday, April 20, 2010

35 weeks

Cameron and I have been taking a lot of walks with Oma Joni after I pick her up from the babysitter. Anna even comes with us a lot! This week Cam has been saying "hib" and "hub" all the time. She also climbed the basement steps all by herself and cruises along furniture like a pro. Sometimes she'll let go of the furniture and stand on her own for a few milliseconds but then falls onto her butt!

Garage sale season has begun! This is Cameron and Emmett after only a few garage sales. Getting in and out of the carseat is exhausting, but I'm sure Cam will get used to it. She loves being on the go, she just doesn't love getting in her seat. She and Emmett were "talking" in the back most of the time. It was really cute!

Grandma and Grandpa got Cami her own swing!

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