Tuesday, April 13, 2010

34 weeks

On Saturday, Oma Joni and I went for a picnic at Hessell Park. Cameron just loves to swing. She yelled, talked, and giggled the entire time. She is definitely not afraid no matter how high I swing her. She's one tough cookie! She didn't like the way the grass felt at first but I think she's gotten used to it since then. We also got Cam a bouncy ball at the grocery store and played "catch" at the park with it. (Basically, I would just toss it into her lap and then she would hit it with her hands but it was super cute how excited she got!)

We took a family walk to Robeson Park on Sunday. It was another beautiful day to enjoy the swing. Grandma Connie even met us to see Cami swing.

Monday marked the sixth anniversary of my dad passing away. Mom and I took a walk with Cami after I picked her up from the babysitter. We went down to the Gifford Park and showed her his memorial. It is hard to think about the fact that Cameron will never get to know her "Opa Todd." We'll just have to make sure we tell her all about him.

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