Tuesday, May 4, 2010

37 weeks

Cameron is standing for a few seconds at a time now. We went outside the other day and she really enjoyed sitting in the grass and playing with the little "helicopters" we have covering our yard. She only tried to eat them once! She's developing more communication skills lately, too. The girl knows how to get what she wants! :) She had a runny nose the past week and her cold ended up getting passed on to both Brad and me. She is becoming more and more ticklish lately and her favorite game is "I'm gonna get you" where you chase her. She just giggles and giggles and it is the best sound in the world. She likes to play and can entertain herself for longer periods of time. Her favorite books are anything with Elmo in them and she will moan, rock, and clap excitedly when I read them to her. Her favorite show is "Yo Gabba Gabba" and she becomes entranced when I turn it on. She enjoys her "after school snack" after we get home where I put her in her high chair and give her some rice puffs and yogurt melts. So far the only baby foods that she doesn't like are bananas and peas.

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