Wednesday, May 12, 2010

38 weeks

Cameron got a push-walker this week! She does really well with it, too. We had another first this week: Cameron's first trip to the dentist. She's had a brownish area on her front tooth for a couple months now and I really was wanting to find out what it was. It only took the dentist a few seconds of looking to figure out that it is a chip! He said the discoloration is the next layer of her tooth! I'm not sure when it happened. He said it could've happened anytime she was chewing/biting on a toy or even when she was grinding her teeth (which she loved to do there for awhile when all her front teeth were coming in, not so much lately, though).  He also said the rest of her mouth looks great and that she has a few more teeth very close to coming in :)

Brad and Grandpa Dale took Cameron to visit Grandpa and Grandma Sanders in Arthur last Friday. She also got to see Aunt Gwen. Brad said that she only wanted to be held by her daddy while she was there, though.

Our first official Mother's Day was wonderful. Cameron, Brad, and I all went to 10:00 church with Grandma Sharon, Andy, Molly, Anna, and Oma Joni. Then we went to Oma Janice's for lunch. There were a lot of people there that wanted to hold Cami, but as long as I was within her sight, she wanted ME to be the one holding her. I thought that was perfectly fine, especially on Mother's Day!

We also went over to Dale and Connie's for dinner. We all had fun being entertained by Cam. She is quite the little ham, lately! She was crawling everywhere, playing on her new ride-on toy, and entertaining herself in the highchair during dinner.

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