Wednesday, March 3, 2010

28 weeks

Daddy finally got Cam some batteries for her house. She loves it!

On Saturday Oma Janice, Oma Joni, Cameron, and I all went to Jaime's shower in Camargo. Afterwards, we went to Winterberry and the candy kitchen for lunch. Cameron had so much fun. The whole time we were in Winterberry, she was saying "Buh-buh" over and over and waving her arm up and down. Then, at the candy kitchen, she let out this extremely long, loud yell. All of us were blushing by the time she was done. Of course I couldn't leave Tuscola without a trip to the Carter's store.

On Saturday night, I had the brilliant idea to lower Cam's crib (she's started pulling herself up in the tub and on the coffee table). This resulted in basically taking the bed apart and putting it back together. Brad really wanted to go to Red Lobster so even though it was 7:00, we decided to pack up Cameron and go. At the restaurant, Cameron was sooo busy. She sat in a high chair for the first time and continuously threw her three toys on the ground. We fed her squash for the first time and her expressions were priceless. She's a trooper, though. She kept on eating until it was all gone!

Sunday is family day at the McElroy's. This week we washed the car and went to Wal-Mart. Cameron got a little scared when daddy was washing the windows. Axl got scared, too, and climbed in my purse!

On Monday, Cameron and I went to playgroup at my friend Melissa's house. The theme was St. Patrick's Day so I dressed up Cameron in green. Afterwards, we went to Toys R Us to get some more baby food and of course some toys :)

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