Wednesday, March 10, 2010

29 weeks

Cameron is definitely crawling now! She's been sleeping much better since we started putting a blankie in with her. She likes to snuggle with it. She wakes up so happy in the morning.

Cameron started eating carrots for dinner this week. She didn't eat very much the first couple nights but by the third night she didn't want to stop eating them! We've also added breakfast (rice cereal) to her routine, which she really enjoys!

Fridays are so fun with Daddy!

Cami has pigtails! On Saturday, we went to a few country shops. The weather was sooo nice. We really enjoyed our day together. Everywhere we went, people commented on how cute Cameron was with her ponytails. She just smiled and giggled at them!

On Sunday, Cameron and I went to visit Brenna and baby Ella. Cami was very happy to meet her new friend. She was a little overly friendly actually, making it very difficult to get a picture of the two girls together.

Axl doesn't understand why Cameron always gets to play with his ball but he gets in trouble if he even goes near her toys...

This is Cami before her bath the other night. She sure likes to play! Being naked makes it even more fun! Haha!

Anna and Cameron had fun looking out the front door of Oma's house. They were amazed by the glass.

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