Wednesday, March 17, 2010

30 weeks

Cam is definitely all over the place and interested in exploring EVERYTHING! She is even pulling herself up onto her knees and even sometimes to her feet. She seems to have no fear! She pulls up mostly on the coffee table and sofa table but she tries to pull up on everything in sight.

I tried to take a picture of Cam one morning. She was awake but she was just laying on her tummy real still, head to the side, and eyes open. Of course the camera flash scared her and she buried her face in the mattress before I could capture the moment. She gave me a smile after that, though!

Oma Joni, Cam, and I went to lunch at O'Charley's on Saturday and then went for a little shopping afterwards. Cameron likes to go to restaurants much more now that she can sit in the high chairs.

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