Tuesday, February 23, 2010

27 weeks

Cameron loves her rice cereal! She is so funny when she eats. She doesn't want to let the spoon out of her mouth.

Brad and I went out to a dance in Royal on Saturday night. Cameron got to stay with Grandpa Dale and Grandma Connie. She was a good girl for them.

On Sunday, Brad and Dale went to the auto show in Chicago while Connie, Cam, and I went shopping at the mall here in town. Afterwards, Connie made us a nice steak dinner (since the guys got to eat at Ruth's Chris!)

Cameron loves to play more every day! Her toys are becoming very important to her.

Today Cameron went to her sitter in Gifford. Afterwards, we stopped at Oma Joni's to play with her and Anna. We took a lot of pictures but unfortunately they're all on Oma's camera! Here is Cami after we got home. She had such a great day that she didn't want to fall asleep tonight.

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