Tuesday, February 16, 2010

26 weeks

Cameron had her big 6 month appointment yesterday. She weighs 18 lbs 7.5 oz and was 25 1/4 inches long. While we were at the doctor, we noticed Cami's first tooth! She's "creeping" which means that she's army crawling and getting up on all fours and then propelling herself forward, especially when there is a toy that she wants! Tomorrow is another exciting day: starting solids!

Brad, Cameron, and I went out to eat on Friday night to the Outback. Cameron was very excited and wanted to mess with everything on the table. Brad and I had to take turns eating but it was worth it!

Cami and I went to visit Molly and Anna on Saturday. Cam kept taking Anna's sock off and chewing on it. Anna was showing Cam how to crawl.

We tried on some of Cam's hats to see which ones still fit.

Happy Valentine's Day! Cam is Mommy and Daddy's favorite little Valentine! Grandma Connie and Grandpa Dale came over to visit, too.

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