Tuesday, February 2, 2010

24 weeks

Cameron had her first (and hopefully last) ear infection this past week. She had a fever for several days and wasn't acting like herself, very lethargic, watery eyes, stuffy nose, etc. She was such a trooper! Oma Joni and I took her in to the doctor on Saturday and got her some antibiotics. She felt much better after that! She had her first day with her new sitter on Monday (her regular sitter is going on maternity leave). This means that mommy has to drive all the way from SW Champaign to Gifford every morning (or 1-4 days a week depending on the schedule). Isn't it funny that I spent so many years commuting from Gifford to Champaign and now I'm doing the opposite? Anyways, it is worth it because she gets to see her cousin Anna. Plus it gives me an excuse to stop and see family.

This is Cameron at Grandma Connie's last Thursday.

Cameron usually wakes up around 5:30 or 6:30 and she talks to herself for awhile in the crib before letting us know that she's ready to eat. Then I bring her to bed with us and feed her and we all fall back asleep for a little while longer before we have to get up. Daddy looks forward to waking her up and getting her dressed every morning. She is such a happy baby in the morning (once we finally get her to open her eyes).

What a good girl! These were taken on Saturday when Cami was sick. She wanted to play but she just didn't feel well enough! You can see it in her eyes that she just isn't herself.
We spent the day cuddling and napping. Axl joined in and made sure to keep a good eye on us.

 We love Cam's bedhead!

Axl and Cami have become good friends. They even share their toys! :)

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