Tuesday, August 10, 2010

51 weeks

Cameron and I had fun going to some garage sales Saturday. We needed some quality time after I had to be out of town for a few days. We found a lot of good deals, including a play tent and tunnel and a couple of Dora toys. Afterwards, we just enjoyed being outside because the weather was perfect!

On Sunday, we went out to breakfast and Cameron had scrambled eggs for the first time. She loved it. She's been a bit fussier than usual lately (remember the days with no naps last week??) and finally we discovered why - she is getting more teeth! From what she lets me see, it looks like at least one molar and possibly also the canine tooth. It feels like there is more to come under the surface.

Cameron's new trick is to climb onto furniture. I thought we had awhile before we'd have to worry about this! She figured it out and now wants to practice all the time. I was hanging a picture next to the chair and glancing at her every few seconds or so. The next time I look, she is slowing rising up to standing position with an ornery grin on her face!

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