Thursday, August 19, 2010

52 Weeks

Cameron had a playdate with cousin Anna recently. The girls are actually starting to interact a little more when they play.

Brad went to Vegas for a bachelor party last weekend so Cam and I put up her tent. She was entertained for hours!

Cami tried pancakes for the first time on Saturday!

Cameron turned 1 on Wednesday! First, Cami had cinnamon toast and whole milk for breakfast. She is adjusting to cow's milk really well. Later, I took her to Wal-Mart to get a balloon. She always moans when she sees the balloons there and this time we actually got one. She was ecstatic to say the least! Then we picked up Daddy for lunch at Cakes on Walnut. Cami picked out a chocolate covered strawberry cupcake and took no time at all to dig right in! She was so happy the whole time she ate! Then we went to the park by Sholem pool. She had a great time trying to keep up with the bigger kids. After a nap at home, we had a nice dinner of brats and mac n' cheese. Cam was watching us use our forks and she picked up her little fork and was trying so hard to pick up her food with it. We were quite impressed with her coordination and determination.

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