Thursday, August 5, 2010

50 Weeks

Cameron refused to take naps a couple days this past week. By bedtime, she was practically passing out before she could finish eating. Of course the other day she still wasn't napping despite my best efforts so we decided to get out of the house. We went to Meijer in Urbana which is like 5 minutes away and she fell asleep on the way there. When I picked her up she continued sleeping on my shoulder. I did that as long as I could while simultaneously pushing the cart, but I had to put her down and she ended up sleeping another 10-15 minutes in the cart like this! How adorable is that?!

I had to leave for a conference in Chicago on Tuesday. I just got back tonight but leaving Cameron for that long was difficult! She was definitely NOT wanting me to leave but Daddy, Oma, and Grandma took good care of her while I was gone.

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