Tuesday, April 27, 2010

36 weeks

Cameron is getting so tall. All she wants to do is stand and if she's not standing then she is crawling towards the next thing to pull up on. She is such a happy baby!

Cameron has started on finger foods. She is so focused when she is trying to get a piece into her mouth. As Oma Joni described it, she is very "dainty" when she eats. She goes slow and tries to pick it up so carefully. She even takes little bites with her front teeth. She is also doing "SO BIG!" and putting her arms up when we ask, "How big is Cami?"

Daddy got Cami to take a nice nap while Mommy got some work done around the house on Sunday. Cameron also took "inventory" of all of her toys! LOL!

She's liking the grass more every day!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

35 weeks

Cameron and I have been taking a lot of walks with Oma Joni after I pick her up from the babysitter. Anna even comes with us a lot! This week Cam has been saying "hib" and "hub" all the time. She also climbed the basement steps all by herself and cruises along furniture like a pro. Sometimes she'll let go of the furniture and stand on her own for a few milliseconds but then falls onto her butt!

Garage sale season has begun! This is Cameron and Emmett after only a few garage sales. Getting in and out of the carseat is exhausting, but I'm sure Cam will get used to it. She loves being on the go, she just doesn't love getting in her seat. She and Emmett were "talking" in the back most of the time. It was really cute!

Grandma and Grandpa got Cami her own swing!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

34 weeks

On Saturday, Oma Joni and I went for a picnic at Hessell Park. Cameron just loves to swing. She yelled, talked, and giggled the entire time. She is definitely not afraid no matter how high I swing her. She's one tough cookie! She didn't like the way the grass felt at first but I think she's gotten used to it since then. We also got Cam a bouncy ball at the grocery store and played "catch" at the park with it. (Basically, I would just toss it into her lap and then she would hit it with her hands but it was super cute how excited she got!)

We took a family walk to Robeson Park on Sunday. It was another beautiful day to enjoy the swing. Grandma Connie even met us to see Cami swing.

Monday marked the sixth anniversary of my dad passing away. Mom and I took a walk with Cami after I picked her up from the babysitter. We went down to the Gifford Park and showed her his memorial. It is hard to think about the fact that Cameron will never get to know her "Opa Todd." We'll just have to make sure we tell her all about him.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

33 weeks

Cameron just loves to stand :) Axl likes to roll the ball towards her, then she picks it up, then he grabs it out of her hand (gently). She squints her eyes and giggles whenever he comes near her. They are already best friends!

Daddy's little girl (and boy) like to wait for him at the window. I don't know which one is more excited to see him!

Cameron and I went to our local park during a recent walk. We decided to try out the baby swing and it was a success! I think Cam could've stayed in there A LOT longer but it was getting late... She kicked her legs and giggled. I pushed her a little bit and she loved it. We might have to talk Daddy into putting up a swing in our yard.

Cam and I made it to Sunrise Service on Easter this year. We met Oma Joni, Uncle Andy, Aunt Molly, and cousin Anna there for church and breakfast. Oma got to hold her girls on her lap for awhile.

Cameron is old enough to enjoy holidays like this a little more. She posed in her Easter dress for me and then we took her down to see what the Easter Bunny brought her. She makes this funny moaning sound when she's excited about something so when she saw the basket she turned around and smiled and moaned. It was adorable! She tore into it and investigated everything that was in there. It was mostly books but there was also a cell phone in there. She mostly gets calls from Axl, Anna, and Oma. :)

We went to Grandpa Dale and Grandma Connie's first but my camera was being charged so I don't have pics, yet. Grandma was excited to see Cameron's dress because she got it for her! It looked sooo good on her, don't you think? Of course, Cameron got plenty of goodies over there, including a wind up toy and a quacking duck, which were her favorites.

After that, we went to Oma Janice's where Cameron got a Toddler Bible from Oma Joni. She also got a nice basket shaped like a bunny from Grandma and Grandpa Hammond. Cameron was excited to see her little cousins, Anna and Emmitt! They even posed for a picture together. We had a great first Easter with Cameron! Brad and I talked on the way home about how thankful we are for our wonderful family.