Tuesday, March 30, 2010

32 weeks

On Thursday, Oma Joni picked up Cami from daycare and she'd come down with a cold. She's been coughing and has a runny nose but other than that she's been acting fine and no fever. She's a pro at pulling up to standing and at getting back down into sitting position. She is so busy all the time, looking for the next piece of furniture to practice pulling up on and crawling around to explore new areas.

Mommy's birthday was Monday so Brad took me out to eat Saturday at Buttitta's while Cami went to Grandpa and Grandma's house for awhile. Then Sunday night, Dale and Connie had us over for a birthday dinner. Then, on Monday, Cam and I went to lunch with Oma Janice, Oma Joni, Aunt Rachel, Amanda, and Samantha. We stopped at Old Navy afterwards so that I could spend my birthday money on some new clothes, but it was really hard to shop for myself instead of Cami!

Cameron LOVES carrots! I actually have to feed her fruit before vegetables otherwise she won't eat the fruit. Lately she's been very adament about grabbing the spoon and putting it into her mouth herself. Unfortunately, she's not quite coordinated enough to do that so needless to say we have carrot stains on A LOT of the bibs :)
I'm on spring break this week and I'm really enjoying my extra time with Cam. Today we did laundry, organized a closet, took a couple naps, watched television, played, and went on a walk. Everything is more fun with her around!

Monday, March 22, 2010

31 weeks

Mommy's little shamrock! Cam was all decked out for St. Patrick's Day this year! We even got to visit Daddy at work where he got to show off his little "Cam-a-goo" to some of his co-workers.

Cam and I met up with Oma Janice on Saturday to walk around the St. Joe Antique Show. Afterwards, we went to Target to get a baby shower gift for a soon-to-be new friend of Cami, Baby Wahl! She liked sitting in the cart sideways a lot better than the regular way.

At Kellie's baby shower, Cameron wanted to be the center of attention. She had a ball talking, yelling, giggling, and playing. She was exhausted by the end, though!

Monday after work, Cami and I stopped at Oma Joni's for a quick walk around Gifford. It was a little breezy so Oma fashioned a hat to keep Cam's ears covered. She sure loves walks :)