Tuesday, February 23, 2010

27 weeks

Cameron loves her rice cereal! She is so funny when she eats. She doesn't want to let the spoon out of her mouth.

Brad and I went out to a dance in Royal on Saturday night. Cameron got to stay with Grandpa Dale and Grandma Connie. She was a good girl for them.

On Sunday, Brad and Dale went to the auto show in Chicago while Connie, Cam, and I went shopping at the mall here in town. Afterwards, Connie made us a nice steak dinner (since the guys got to eat at Ruth's Chris!)

Cameron loves to play more every day! Her toys are becoming very important to her.

Today Cameron went to her sitter in Gifford. Afterwards, we stopped at Oma Joni's to play with her and Anna. We took a lot of pictures but unfortunately they're all on Oma's camera! Here is Cami after we got home. She had such a great day that she didn't want to fall asleep tonight.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

26 weeks

Cameron had her big 6 month appointment yesterday. She weighs 18 lbs 7.5 oz and was 25 1/4 inches long. While we were at the doctor, we noticed Cami's first tooth! She's "creeping" which means that she's army crawling and getting up on all fours and then propelling herself forward, especially when there is a toy that she wants! Tomorrow is another exciting day: starting solids!

Brad, Cameron, and I went out to eat on Friday night to the Outback. Cameron was very excited and wanted to mess with everything on the table. Brad and I had to take turns eating but it was worth it!

Cami and I went to visit Molly and Anna on Saturday. Cam kept taking Anna's sock off and chewing on it. Anna was showing Cam how to crawl.

We tried on some of Cam's hats to see which ones still fit.

Happy Valentine's Day! Cam is Mommy and Daddy's favorite little Valentine! Grandma Connie and Grandpa Dale came over to visit, too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

25 weeks

Cameron is feeling a lot better! On the other hand, she gave her cold to Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma Connie so the rest of us had to go through it as well.

Where's the food? We got Cam a new high chair this past week and she's been practicing sitting in it. About one more week until we start solids!

Cameron and I have been practicing using her new spoon, big girl cup, and sippy cup (with water). She is doing great and we all can't wait for her to start trying new foods.

Cameron's First Super Bowl! Daddy and Cameron enjoyed watching the big game together on Sunday. They cheered on the Saints to a victory (between naps). Cam is wearing the outfit from Aunt Molly and Uncle Andy and it is sooo comfortable and cute!

Cameron is so funny sometimes. She cracks up laughing out of nowhere! Lately, she's been playing with her pacifier. The other night she woke up crying in her crib and before I could get up and go in there she had found her pacifier and put it back in her own mouth! She played with her feet for awhile and fell back asleep on her own :)

Snowed In! Cameron and I were able to spend the day together today due to the blizzard (and I just got the call that we're off tomorrow, too). We had a great day! There is nothing better than days like this :) Axl even gets down on the floor with us to play. He prefers to roll his ball to Cameron even though she can't throw it.