Wednesday, January 20, 2010

22 weeks

The other night Brad and I looked away for one second and Cam had her arm out of her shirt. Apparently she's still a little too small for this onesie! Maybe she just thought it was more stylish as a one-sleeved onesie...

Cam is building up her crawling muscles.

Cameron picked out a new bath toy at Babies R Us on Saturday. Of course we had to try it out that night. She mostly just wanted to eat all of the animals.

Where did you go, Cam? You can't look away for one second with this little one around!

On Sunday, we went over to Oma Janice's house and visited with her, Oma Joni, Aunt Rachel, and cousins Amanda and Samantha.

I know that this is a lot of pictures in her jumperoo but she was sooo happy and cute!

1 comment:

Molly Hammond said...

She IS so happy in those pictures! She's growing up so fast. Can't wait to see you girls again.