Thursday, January 14, 2010

21 weeks

Cameron and I had our first snow days of the winter. We enjoyed our days together on Thursday and Friday. It was especially nice on Friday because Daddy was off! We went out and bought a blue-ray player and then bought some blue-ray discs at Best Buy to watch. Daddy bought a special movie for her: Sleeping Beauty! On Saturday, Cam and I went to her babysitter, Amanda's, baby shower. Cameron always smiles and reaches for Amanda when she sees her so I know she must like going there while I'm at work.

It is really amazing how excited Cam gets when Daddy comes home from work. Each day she is more excited to see him. She smiles so big and she watches wherever he goes. She starts fussing if I don't follow him around when he first gets home. She's really started to giggle a lot lately, too. We recently found out that she really enjoys the nursery rhyme "Frere Jacques" (Brother John). She REALLY enjoys when Mommy sings it in a silly, loud voice, and sometimes even with an accent. Daddy finds this amusing as well...

This is Cameron blowing raspberries like she has been doing A LOT lately. With the amount of drool she has it doesn't take her long to soak through a bib or shirt.

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