Wednesday, October 21, 2009

9 weeks

Cameron's baptism was this past Sunday. All of her family came to church to see her and we had a nice meal afterwards at home to celebrate. She wore the same baptism dress that I wore, made by her great-grandma Sharon. She was such a good girl during the baptism ceremony. She didn't even make a peep when Pastor poured the water on her head. She sure loves having Uncle Andy and Aunt Molly as her godparents. They even gave her a beautiful cross necklace with pink stones :)

Cameron had her two month doctor's appointment today. She weighs 13 pounds 15 3/4 ounces. Oma had to take her since I was at work and when I got home Cameron was playing in the new exersaucer that Oma brought her. She was turning the wheels pressing the buttons by herself after Oma showed her how to do it.

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