Thursday, October 29, 2009

10 weeks

Well I went back to work last week and we're all adjusting to a new routine. Brad has been getting Cameron ready in the morning while I get myself ready. He doesn't have to be at work until 9 so it is actually working out quite well. I'm lucky that I had a good sub because it's made it so much easier to transition back. It's nice to be back in the world of the working people again but I miss Cameron so much! When I pick her up from the sitter I just want to know everything that she's done that day.
I look back at this picture and I can't believe how big my stomach was! Well considering how big Cameron was, I guess it all makes sense now.

She looks so tiny in this picture :)

This is so cute even though her eyes are closed!

Cameron loves the mobile that Oma got her. She is mesmerized by it and talks to it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

9 weeks

Cameron's baptism was this past Sunday. All of her family came to church to see her and we had a nice meal afterwards at home to celebrate. She wore the same baptism dress that I wore, made by her great-grandma Sharon. She was such a good girl during the baptism ceremony. She didn't even make a peep when Pastor poured the water on her head. She sure loves having Uncle Andy and Aunt Molly as her godparents. They even gave her a beautiful cross necklace with pink stones :)

Cameron had her two month doctor's appointment today. She weighs 13 pounds 15 3/4 ounces. Oma had to take her since I was at work and when I got home Cameron was playing in the new exersaucer that Oma brought her. She was turning the wheels pressing the buttons by herself after Oma showed her how to do it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

8 weeks

My little angel

All bundled up ready for her first Covered Bridge Festival

We went to Mansfield for the day and Cameron was such a good girl!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

7 weeks

Daddy likes Cami's outift in this picture because it's got footballs on it!
She's getting more adventurous in the tub, lately. Today she was kicking and moving her arms really fast over and over again splashing the water around. She had a look on her face like she was really interested in what she was doing.

Obviously she wasn't ready to get out of the bath tub!

Just chillin'

"Okay, Mom, I've been in here long enough."

Cameron with her Great-Grandma Margaret

Cameron and I had a photo shoot and as you can see she gave me A LOT of different looks:





