Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cami Jo Starts Preschool

Cameron had her first day of preschool on Tuesday this week. I took off work so that I could make it a special day. A lot of parents and kids were crying at drop off. I got sentimental, but I didn't want Cami to get upset, so I stayed strong. Cameron actually was upset that the school bus wasn't taking her to school. I'm sooo not ready for that! She also had all kinds of questions about where sissy would be while she was at school and asked if sissy would miss her. "Awww, Sissy, are you gonna miss me while I'm at school? Let's hold hands," she told Ali. She was more than ready for preschool and seems to be thoroughly enjoying it. Her teacher told me that she asked to be called "Cami Jo." (I didn't realize that she had a preference...LOL). Since I went back to work and the girls went back to daycare, they've now been sick 3 different times! (Fever & chills, stomach flu, and now head colds with fever and cough) It's so fun to hear all Cameron's stories from her day now!

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