Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ali is 10 Months

LOVING to color lately!

Cam got some Strawberry Shortcake figurines for Valentine's Day! She's been into sorting lately so later I found that she had made piles of the dolls, their clothes, their brushes, and their hair extensions. I was impressed that she thought to do that on her own!

Cameron is potty trained! We decided to make another go at it on the weekend that she turned 2 and a half. The first couple days were rough, but after that it's been smooth sailing :) Cameron is sooo proud of herself.

Cameron was drawing and said, "Here's the eyes, and here's the nose, and here's a circle for the face."

This is her newest "pose."

Ali plays peekaboo all the time now that sissy taught her, even when she's supposed to be napping!

Ali has the cutest, warmest, and rosiest cheeks when she wakes up from nap time :)

Cam is really into Strawberry Shortcake.

 "Look at this, Mom! Is that silly, Mom?"

Posing after getting home from Family Fun Night at Mom's work. Cameron really enjoyed saying "Hi" to everyone and running around in the gym. She is fearless when it comes to socializing. She was telling everyone that she had a dollhouse. Ali, on the other hand, is going through the shy phase where she doesn't want anyone but mommy. She was stone faced the entire time and kept laying her head on my chest.

Ali is super fast at climbing the stairs now!

This is what Ali does when she is told, "No" or when I make her do something she doesn't want to do. On this night, she didn't want to change her diaper or get into her jammies apparently! She just lays her head down like this and starts crying. It is soooo cute!

Cami is a great big sister. "Oh it's okay, Ali. It's okay. You want me to read to you? Dat make you feel better?"

Our upstairs bathroom has been "under construction" so we've been using the downstairs one. The girls, especially Ali are discovering all the things they can get into down there.

This was too cute and she was laughing so hard when I caught her!

 Ali has to rub everything on her cheek to see how it feels.

Crawling away while I was trying to get her ready for bed...of course to play peekaboo some more!

All of Cameron's ballerina poses!

Cam is so lovey. The other day she told me, "You is my best mommy ever."

Eating her apple like mommy. She wouldn't let me cut it into smaller bites. Cam is pretty good about eating all kinds of foods...especially if it is on sissy's tray!

Another picture of people that Cam did. All the sudden she is doing really well at this!

"Look at dis. Dat funny, Mom!"

Brad has taken over as the parent who takes Cameron to dance (at this age the parents have to go in and do everything with them) so usually I'm taking care of Ali. The other night it was "Observation Week" where family can come in and watch. Cam has her ups and downs as far as her behavior during class so I was worried that if I went in that it would make it harder for her to focus. I was so happy because she focused even more and tried so hard to make Mommy proud. She kept looking over at me smiling like she was showing off everything she could do. It was such a great moment that is going to be a happy memory for me for a long, long time :) LOVE my girls sooo much!

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