Monday, July 11, 2011

3 Years, 2 Kids, and 1 Dog Later...

Ali's been doing well on her tummy time. She gets her head up really high! She is such a happy and content baby. She really likes to have a blankie over her at all times, though. We have to watch her because she'll always put it over her face! She is cooing, squealing, and smiling a lot lately.

Cameron gettin' comfy in her carseat.

Daddy got a turn feeding Ali.

This is the fake cry face...

Havin' a snack in the kitchen :)

Our third anniversary - we celebrated by going to Bacaro to eat.

Ali got a new travel swing to take with us on vacation.

All nooked in! We call her our little Ali-bug :)

First time trying out the exersaucer. Not quite sure what to think. Cam is always around to show her what to do!

Mesmerized by the sun.

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