Sunday, July 17, 2011

Vacation to SC

We went to Bluffton, South Carolina from July 1st through the 7th for our annual family road trip. Cameron and Ali were pretty good in the car for the 12ish hour ride each way. Cam got out with daddy at every gas station stop to stretch her legs while I fed Ali. She stayed pretty content with her DVD player. The ride home definitely went better because we didn't hit nearly as much traffic and Cam actually took a couple naps. She didn't sleep the entire way there!

Our first day there we went to the beach at Hilton Head Island with Brad's friend, Ken, and his family. Cameron mostly just wanted to play in the sand. I was fine with that because there were quite a few jellyfish bites that day from what we heard. It was difficult having Ali there because it was so hot and sticky! That night we all went to Carrabba's to eat and Cam was having none of it. Brad and I had to take turns eating because Cameron was running around everywhere!

The second day, we went to Savannah, GA to shop. It was about 25 minutes from our hotel. We had fun walking around. Cameron got an Elmo hat and pajamas, I got a couple new outfits, and Brad got a couple t-shirts. Cameron got to ride the carousel and a miniature choo-choo train. She was really excited!

The third day was the Fourth of July and we celebrated by going back to Hilton Head Island. We took Cameron to a Children's Discovery Museum where they were having a bounce house, cookie decorating, snow cones, all kinds of good picnic food, and plenty of toys for Cameron to play with. Later that afternoon, we went to Ken's family's party where they also had a bounce house and all kinds of good homemade food. Later, Cameron, Ali, and I went back to the hotel and watched fireworks on television and Brad got to hang out with Ken.


The fourth day, we went to a strip mall by the beach to search for a fisherman's hat for Brad. We also went to the famous Salty Dog Cafe and got t-shirts as souvenirs. Cameron was overly hungry and she loved the fish and chips (especially once she got some dip!) She was so full that she didn't even want her ice cream dessert! After that, we went back to the hotel and took the girls swimming. Cameron had a great time telling her daddy to "Jump! Jump!" while holding her in the water and watching him swim under water. That night we went to Ken and Monique's for dinner and Cameron got to play with their son KJ and their neice, Gabby.

The fifth day was our last day. We went to a couple shops on Hilton Head Island and then to Fuddrucker's for lunch. It is the perfect place for kids because it is extremely noisy in there! Ali liked it because there were so many signs and lights on the walls and ceiling. After lunch, we went swimming again at the hotel and then ordered pizza for dinner.