Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I'm officially on maternity leave this week. Cameron and I have already spent a lot of quality time together. We went for a doctor's appointment the other day and the baby is measuring right on time. It'll be interesting to see if we will be celebrating Easter with family, or at the hospital with the new baby!

Our little baby was sick in March with the stomach flu. She enjoyed her bath still!

Daddy brought Cami a shirt in Dallas that says "My daddy's football team can beat your daddy's football team."

Cameron loves having her hair done and she'll even leave it in even if it's her idea in the first place.

Eating one of her favorites: grapes!

So tired after a long day out and about with mommy!

One of her new favorite foods is cereal. She makes sure to get every drop (just like mom).

Cameron loves to play outside. She also loves to pick out her own outfits, which is why she's been wearing a tutu for the past couple of days.

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