Thursday, July 22, 2010

48 Weeks

We've been busy with weddings lately. During the week, Cami and I have been doing a lot of playing and shopping. On Friday, we went to the pool again. Cameron is so funny. Lately she's been trying to "swing" her arms when she walks. All she wants to do is walk laps around everything she sees. She also messes with Axl's food bowl all the time! When we go to a store, she likes to get out and walk herself. She is getting really fast! She's been taking good naps in her crib lately, and I'm really getting used to our routine. I am already dreading going back to work in September! Brad and I talk all the time about how much we love our little family.

This past weekend, Cameron stayed the night with Oma while I went to a wedding reception. When I picked her up the next day, Oma had her wearing a dress from when she was a little girl.

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