Thursday, July 29, 2010

49 Weeks

This past week, Cameron has started officially giving "kisses." She actually purses her lips out and makes a kissing noise. She is SO full of love, silliness, and DRAMA! She has a sad face she makes when she doesn't get what she wants or when something scares her. It is so pitiful how she contorts her whole face and then she forces out these whimpering sounds. Oh, and she's also started to dance and sing along to music. We like to dance around at home in the living room and her favorite place to sing is along with Mommy in the car.

Her favorite place to visit lately is Axl's food bowl.

Cameron likes shopping for the most part...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

48 Weeks

We've been busy with weddings lately. During the week, Cami and I have been doing a lot of playing and shopping. On Friday, we went to the pool again. Cameron is so funny. Lately she's been trying to "swing" her arms when she walks. All she wants to do is walk laps around everything she sees. She also messes with Axl's food bowl all the time! When we go to a store, she likes to get out and walk herself. She is getting really fast! She's been taking good naps in her crib lately, and I'm really getting used to our routine. I am already dreading going back to work in September! Brad and I talk all the time about how much we love our little family.

This past weekend, Cameron stayed the night with Oma while I went to a wedding reception. When I picked her up the next day, Oma had her wearing a dress from when she was a little girl.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

47 Weeks

This past week has been pretty relaxing. We've actually been able to get into a routine here at home as far as Cameron's meals and naps go. She is taking naps in her crib now as opposed to my arms :) We've been to Sholem Aquatic Center a couple times and we plan on going a lot more before the end of summer. Cameron loves to play in the water! She gets so worn out that by the end, she has her head on my shoulder, her eyes closed, and she is making her tired moaning noise. We can barely get her back home before she completely passes out! I haven't been bringing my camera to the pool (obvious reasons), but here are some pictures that I took around the house with Dennis' fancy camera.

She pretend "talks" on her phone now. She puts it up to her ear and babbles. She is even saying "hi." She also has been saying "Uh-oh!" lately. With her piano, she hits the keys hard with her finger and starts yelling/singing. She seems to love having her baby pool in the living room more than outside. This last picture she had been playing hard for quite awhile and she kinda fell down and then just laid all the way back and chilled for a couple minutes watching Nick Jr.