Friday, June 25, 2010

44 weeks

What a busy week of Bible School! Cameron enjoyed spending so much time with Oma Janice and Emmet in the nursery. She has just been wanting to walk EVERYWHERE! We had a very busy weekend, too. Anna's first birthday party was Friday night, VBS "Fun Day" was Saturday morning, Emmet's first birthday was Saturday afternoon, we had the VBS program Sunday morning, and we had Father's Day dinner at Dale and Connie's on Sunday night. Needless to say, on Monday and Tuesday we spent the days playing and resting at home.

Oma Joni got Cami a gift, too, so that she wouldn't feel left out... Aunt Audrey helped her open it. She got a "Fisher Price Little People" SUV and a set of play baby bottles and she LOVES them :)

Anna enjoyed opening her birthday presents and eating her cake. She is so cute! We got her a puzzle with all the different shapes and she really liked it.

Cameron had to show off her bikini on VBS Fun Day. She wasn't too interested in the water...I think she was a little overwhelmed by the amount of activity going on around her. She did manage to leave her sunglasses on for awhile.

Cameron had a blow out at Oma's so she had to put her in the sink to clean off. It was her first sink bath!

Emmet's party was "Case IH." He even had a red tractor cake!

The VBS program went really well. The kids did a great job.

Cameron got a little emotional giving Daddy his first Father's Day card. She just couldn't hold back the tears. LOL!

Molly and Anna came by for a visit on Tuesday after Anna's checkup. The girls had fun playing together. They even went "swimming" in Cami's new pool :)

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