Tuesday, December 15, 2009

17 weeks

Morning bedhead! Cami is always sooo happy in the morning (and all day for that matter!) I sent this to mom on Saturday morning with a text that said "Take me to Tuscola" and mom was over within the hour ready to go. We went to downtown Tuscola to Winterberry (our newest favorite store) and then to the candy kitchen for lunch. We even went to the Gordyville Flea Market after that and Cami was such a good girl the entire day. She really enjoys being on the go!

This is one of the first shirts that Grandma Connie and Grandpa Dale got Cami. It fits her perfectly just in time for the holidays :)

Cami and I went over to Grandma Connie's on Sunday to do some holiday baking. For the past few years, Connie and I have been making gingerbread and sugar cookies together for Christmas. This year Cami got to join in the tradition. She didn't get to participate much this year but we're thinking that next year she'll be big enough to help (and create a huge mess while she's at it :)

Cami continues to really enjoy sucking on her hands. She has also been "talking" more and more lately. She has been trying new sounds but her favorite sound is still "ah-goo."

Cute little chubby cheeks :)

The week before Christmas break is one of the busiest of the year for me at school, but also one of the most fun. Mom came over on Tuesday night to help me get a couple things ready for my classroom's Christmas party. Cami enjoyed visiting with her Oma Joni while I cleaned up the kitchen.

Cami's Christmas nickname is "Cami-Cane" (compliments of her daddy).

Cami can stand leaning against the coffee table for awhile without help.

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