Tuesday, December 29, 2009

19 weeks

We took Cameron for her 4 month appointment this morning. She weighs 17 lbs 12.5 oz and is 25 1/2 inches long.

Cameron got a jumperoo for Christmas. This is her on Christmas morning. We spent Christmas Eve with Daddy's family and Christmas day with Mom's family.

Axl got a Snuggie for Christmas and he likes to store his ball in the collar.

Cameron had a beautiful Christmas dress! She was sooo happy on Christmas morning!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

18 weeks

Happy Cami!

We drove down to Bloomington on Sunday for Christmas with the Hammond's and Cameron fell asleep holding on to her new toy.

Everything goes into her mouth lately!

Cousin Anna and Aunt Molly paid a visit to Brad and Cameron on Friday.

Cameron was with Grandma Connie on Wednesday.

On Saturday morning we had a gathering at Oma Janice's with all the ladies of the family.

On Monday, Cameron and I went to the mall with Oma. We ate dinner and Cameron took her first ride on the merry-go-round. She just looked around in amazement the entire time.

Cameron likes watching Sesame Street and Barney some mornings. She gets excited when they sing songs. She kicks her arms and legs and squeals.