Friday, November 30, 2012

Daddy-Daughter Dance

Brad was so excited to take Cami to her first dance. Cameron got to pick out a fancy outfit and was asking constantly when she could go to the "daughter dance." Brad took her out to eat at Italian Patio and she got a ton of attention from everyone there. She even got to hear a couple of her favorite songs, "Whip My Hair" and "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)." Brad took a couple videos of her dancing and hopefully I can get those to upload here, too. What a great Daddy Cameron has!!

Cameron was holding her lips really still because I told her not to mess up her lip gloss :) She was doing some of her best poses. Ali was really upset when they left so Daddy got her an ice cream cone to make up for it.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

We decorated for Christmas during Thanksgiving Break. Cameron was really into helping this year more than ever. She even put all the ornaments on the tree herself and it was so cute that I almost left them there (all on the lowest three rows of branches!)