Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter Fun

Buggie is just wanting to sit up and climb around the whole time in her tub now. I think it's time for big girl tubbies with sissy! (I've been waiting a long time for the day when we can just put them both in the big tub together.)

Warm tubbies are especially great on those cold winter nights.

Ali's favorite place to play is in Cami's room.

More fun on the ride-on toys!

Cami loves to have pretend tea parties. She does get frustrated when she tries to play it with Ali and she "wrecks" the nice set up Cam has prepared.

Cami enjoyed the carousel a little too much on this day. It was a total meltdown when it was time to get the point that we had to leave immediately...

Happy girl! Looks especially cute in the comfy brown jammies from Oma!

Ali is the queen of the open mouthed smile 

Each girl playing with her own dollhouse. I love how much they enjoy their toys.

Oma Janice left for Florida recently. We had a dinner at the Stagecoach with all the family before she migrated to warmer weather for the winter. We miss you, Oma!

Wow, have I enjoyed the warmer temps this winter so far. One Saturday, Anna came over to play and it was actually warm enough to play outside! Ali got to enjoy the swing, the girls were into everything, and Brad got to put away the Christmas decorations.

Cousins and best friends :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Brad really got into decorating the house for Christmas this year. He was really excited to make it look festive for Cameron. She loved it! "Mommy, Daddy turned the lights on for ME!" (every night when we pulled in)

I got the new "LED" lights for the tree and it seriously looked like a disco ball tree :)

Crawlin' all over the place!


Cami tells me to put Ali in her walker, then she will go get her frog and her and sissy will just scream and laugh and chase each other back and forth through the kitchen. I love watching this because it's the first thing they've done where it seems like they're actually playing together.

Cami sure loves to paint/color/draw!

My sweet blue eyed girl

Cam calls our living room the playroom now. Hmmm...wonder why? LOL!

"Mom, I wanna look at pictures on your phone." Cami loves to play with my phone. She looks at pictures and now I've even downloaded a couple of apps for kids that read stories and play videos.

Christmas morning! Cami had been waiting for this day for sooo long this year!

Santa snuck into Cami's room to fill one of her stockings with little Barbies.

Santa certainly did not forget us :)

This little buggie just wanted to play with and eat the wrapping paper...

Cam was so grateful for all of her gifts. "Oh wow, Mom! Santa brought this for me, Mom? Oh wow! I love it sooo much! Thank you! For meee?!

The big gift was a dollhouse. Cameron plays with it all the time!

Beautiful Christmas dresses! Just wish we could've gotten them both sitting still in a picture together (I know it's a lot to ask...LOL)

I love this picture! Me and my girl!