Saturday, December 10, 2011


Nighttime routines have gotten we give them both their baths and then I put Ali to bed first while Cami tries to stay quiet...

Cami just adores Daddy's friends!

Building a "tasle" with the couch cushions...only when Daddy's not looking!

Cami had Bianca over for dinner :)

Ali was trying to attack Chase at Oma's Thanksgiving. She was so mad because we wouldn't let her grab his face.

Cam always thoroughly enjoys her dessert!

I wonder what Opa Johnny would have to say about this!

We took Cami and Ali to see Santa at the craft show, but Cameron got really scared when she saw him.

Cameron made me dance with her to the background music that was playing.

Cameron decided to eat some of my vitamins. We had to take her to the ER and she was admitted for observation for two nights. Thankfully, she is doing fine now.

Learning to stop and look both ways :)