Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ali Turns 6 Months

Ali turned 6 months old on October 26th and she got to celebrate by starting on cereal! She has had no problem in this transition. From the first bite, she has opened wide and swallowed without losing much on the bib. She starts yelling when she sees me making it and is really excited while she's eating, smiling, waving her arms, and babbling the entire time. She usually cries for a minute or two when it's all gone.

Ali's weight: 17 pounds (putting her in the 80th percentile)
I can't remember height but it was in the 80th percentile as well.
She got several shots at her appointment and once again was very fussy and warm for a day or two afterwards.
We moved her out of our room and into her own crib and she is doing well (lately she goes down at 7:30 or 8:00 and sleeps about 10 hours straight.)
She is army crawling everywhere and she wants to get into everything. It is funny because Cameron loves her sooo much but she still will take toys out of Ali's hands because SHE wants to play with that toy right at that moment. Well, Ali has started doing the same thing because whatever Cameron is playing with, Ali will crawl over and start playing with as well, sometimes even pulling it away from Cam!
We are still looking forward to the day that the girls can just take a bath together rather than doing one at a time. Sometimes Cameron gets in Ali's baby tub with her which is a pretty tight squeeze but they just laugh and smile and splash the whole time :)

Fall Playgroup

We had our annual Halloween themed playgroup at Rhianna and Bianca's house around mid-October. They have such an awesome playroom! This time, Cameron was most interested in the train table and the bounce house. All the kids looked so cute! This playgroup is my co-workers at RCS and their kids and it just so happens that there is only one little boy among all these girls :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Covered Bridge

Mom and I took Cameron and Ali to the Covered Bridge Festival in Mansfield, Indiana. We did lots of shopping and ate lots of yummy treats. Cameron really enjoyed the music and playing by the river. We stopped at the Beef House on the way home for dinner and it was pretty chaotic! The girls were really good overall and they both crashed on the way home.