Friday, September 2, 2011

Cameron turns 2!

Cameron turned 2 on August 18th and we had a party for her with family here at our house. It was princess themed and Cameron really had fun! For some reason, she cried when we sang to her. I think she got a little overwhelmed. She really enjoyed playing with her balloons and riding her turtle toy down the driveway with Emmet and Anna.

At her appointment, she weighed 33 pounds, which is the 95th percentile, and I can't remember her height but it was also up there in the percentile range. She had to get a shot but she was very brave.

Ali turned 4 months last week and she is 14 pounds 12 ounces, which is the 85th percentile, and I can't remember the height for her either but it was in the 95th percentile. She had to get a shot in each thigh and it gave her a fever and seemed to make her fussier than normal. She is rolling all over the place and is definitely in the phase of putting everything in her mouth. It seems like her gums are bothering her a lot so I think there are teeth in our near future. That first one is especially exciting so I can't wait!