Friday, August 5, 2011

A fun filled July

This has been the best summer ever. It is so fun to find activities to do with Cameron. Ali is such a good girl that she is happy to tag along on our daily outings. I'm so blessed to be able to spend so much time with them but I still find myself wishing that I could be with them even MORE. Why can't this summer never end?
 Cameron's new favorite toy... She can get in but she can't get out :)

These are Cami's "dance shoes" from Oma. She is really getting into dressing up like a princess.

 We got to have Anna and Oma over to spend the night recently. The girls went swimming, ate pizza, and played in the tub together.
 Anna applying sunscreen to Cam :)

 Cameron, Ali, and I spent the morning at Hessell Park one day recently. It was such a gorgeous day!

 We've spent a lot of mornings this summer at the pool. We like to go in the morning for toddler swim time. We also go to the library once a week for their toddler class and Cam gets to check out books and DVDs.

 Boots from Opa Todd :)

 There was a fun day at County Market the other day where Cam got to ride a pony. She was also supposed to meet Dora but the line was across the entire store by the time we got there!

 We took Cameron to the Champaign County Fair one night where she got to ride the Ferris Wheel, Choo-Choo Train, and the Carousel. She also got to meet the fair queen.

 We went to the Orpheum Children's Museum with Molly, Anna, Casey, and Colton recently. The kids really liked the sand table, train table, and water table.