Sunday, February 20, 2011

18 months & Valentine's Day

Cameron loves to lay with blankies!

Happy Valentine's Day, Cam!

Everytime I get out the camera or my phone, Cami starts saying, "Cheese!" over and over and smiling pictures :)

Always has to have a baby wrapped in a blankie...

Cameron's favorite foods right now are yogurt, goldfish, and oranges. If you ask her what she wants to eat she will always say, "Yogurt." Her other favorite words lately are food, Axl, toy, minute, sorry, okay, show, up, shirt, and play. She is officially no longer using a pacifier, which she'd been using at night to sleep. It won't be long before she has a baby sister to teach all her knowledge to! Cam has her 18 month pictures and appointment this Friday and then next Friday we have a sono for baby Ali. Hopefully the doctor will give us an estimate on a date (we will probably have to induce so that this baby isn't as big as Cameron).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011