Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving and More!

Cameron loves to go for walks around our circle. She sure loves to be outside!

We went to Molly and Andy's the other night for dinner. The girls played together so nicely! They kept giving eachother hugs and kisses and even took a bath together.

Cameron looked so cute in her outfit for Thanksgiving. We were calling her our little orphan because her dress and sweater kind of looked like they were from the 20's. She had such a fun time seeing everyone at Oma Joni's and once again played very nicely with her cousin, Anna.

Brad's been off all week so we decided to go ahead and put all our Christmas decorations up before we both had to go back to work. Cameron handed her daddy every single ornament to put on the tree. She has been really good so far about not messing with the decorations.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's a Girl!

We had our 18 week sono today and found out that we're having another girl! Not to be outdone by her baby sister, Cameron fell and hit her head right before we went into the sono room. She wanted to make sure she got all the attention no matter what! The baby was curled up with her legs folded up so it made it nearly impossible to get a profile shot. One thing we can tell already in comparing the girls' sono pictures is that they definitely have different noses!

 Legs all folded up

There's something, maybe a hand in the background, in front of her lips in this picture because it didn't look like this the whole time on the screen. That or else it's really baby Shiloh's sono picture!

Monday, November 15, 2010

So busy!

Only a couple pictures...we've been very busy recently! Only 1 week until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl!