Friday, October 29, 2010

Fall Fun

Cami and I stopped at Meadowbrook Park last weekend after our trip to get groceries. She really enjoyed herself and she didn't want to leave. Actually she threw a fit when it was time to leave!

We went to a playgroup the other day with some of my co-workers and their daughters. It was a great chance for Cam to play with some friends she hasn't seen in awhile.

Cameron's favorite food: SPAGHETTI!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ken & Monique's Wedding in South Carolina

Brad, Cameron, and I took a road trip to Bluffton, SC this past weekend because Brad was a groomsman in his friend, Ken's, wedding. The trip was about 13 hours each way! Thankfully Brad was able to borrow a van from work and it even had a DVD player for Cameron. Needless to say, her show of choice was Yo Gabba Gabba. I think we have it memorized now. It wasn't always easy having Cameron there (I spent the entire rehearsal/dinner and wedding/reception chasing her around), but Brad and I both agree that we wouldn't have it any other way! We were so excited to take Cam to the beach, even though it was a little to chilly too go all the way in. The reception was gorgeous. It was outdoors at a beach-style house on an old plantation. Cameron was dancing like crazy and she had everyone cracking up!