Friday, September 17, 2010

Cameron has something to say...

She's going to be a big sister! Brad and I are due with Baby #2 in April. What a blessing for our family!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The last days of summer...

Our summer together has come to an end. I went back to work this week and it has been SOOO hard! I don't remember it even being this hard when I went back to work after my maternity leave. Here are a few of our "end of the summer" activities.

Cameron and I went with Oma Joni to Tuscola to celebrate her 50th birthday. Cam was determined to walk by herself EVERYWHERE that day! We had to get her new shoes at the outlet mall because her little toes were hanging over the edge of her white sandals.

Cami and Axl like to play in the ball pit!

Cameron likes to try on our shoes.


A trip to Hessell Park

Cami and Daddy playing with her boom box