Tuesday, November 24, 2009

14 weeks

Cameron had her first picture with Santa on Saturday.

When I picked Cameron up from daycare on Monday she was in a diaper, socks, and wrapped in a blanket. Apparantly, she had gone through THREE outfits and had nothing left to wear! She was sooo happy just smiling at Amanda! From the way she was acting you'd think she'd planned it.

She usually does not like to sit in one place for too long but she was a very good girl in her bouncy seat while mommy cooked dinner last night. She sat real still for awhile and just watched me and then she batted at the toys for awhile.

Daddy had Cameron in her exersaucer when I got home from work last Friday. They really enjoy their Fridays together :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

13 weeks

Cami is able to sit in her bumbo seat now. Soon she'll be sitting up on her own. She is so strong and she's always pulling herself forward when we hold her.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

12 weeks

Cami has sure had a lot to say lately!

Daddy enjoyed his birthday night with his family. We had homemade tacos and watched football in bed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

11 weeks

Cameron joined a playgroup this past Saturday and got to meet some new friends. All four of the girls are less than a year old and all of the moms met through work.

Cameron decided to dress up as a bumblebee for her first Halloween.

Cameron Jo with her cousins, Anna the glow worm and Emmet the bear.

Oma and Cameron

Aunt Molly and Cameron

Emmet and Cameron having their first "conversation."