Wednesday, September 30, 2009

6 weeks

Anna and Cameron love their Illini outfits.
They were holding eachother up!

Anna is showing Cameron how to play with her feet.

Cameron enjoying her stroller
Axl and Brad at the dog park

Cameron's first pumpkin! She was asleep in her carrier so I had to pick it out for her...

She really enjoys her new swing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

5 weeks

At Cameron's 4 week appointment, she weighed 11 lbs 2.5 oz!
She also began sleeping through the night (7 hours) and staying awake much of the day.
She just now started enjoying her car seat and also does really well in the Baby Bjorn carrier. She has started enjoying walks in her stroller and is getting used to her new swing.
Oma and Cameron on the day of Emmet's baptism

She was a sleepy girl on this rainy Sunday.

Cousins Cameron and Anna

Great Oma Janice and Cameron

She sure knows how to pose :)

I caught the end of the smile

She was starting to get frustrated at this point...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

4 weeks

Daddy got me to sleep.

One of the few pictures with Mommy

I like my play mat more every day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

3 weeks

Cameron and Anna with Oma

Daddy showed her how to hold her pacifier in her mouth

Hungry mouth!

Axl's always around to keep an eye on his sister!

She loves to look at the window while she's on the changing table.

Cameron with her Great-Oma Janice

Tummy time :)

She is holding her head up so well!

Aww mom!

I think she was upset that Oma was leaving :(

She loves to sleep on Great Aunt Rachel's blanket.

She was not happy that I put her down to take this picture.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Official Baby Pictures

Cameron had her pictures taken this past Tuesday. The proofs are up for a week at Once you get to the website, click on "client proofing", register as a new user (unless you already registered when you looked at our maternity pics), click on "Cameron," and then enter "cameronm" as the access code.