Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cameron has arrived!

Cameron Jo McElroy arrived on August 18th at 12:14 PM. On Monday night my water broke around 10:30. Brad was already in bed asleep so it took awhile to wake him up and make him understand what was happening. We got to the hospital around 11:00 PM and my contractions started on the way to the hospital. Once we got settled into the room, they told me that there was meconium in my amniotic fluid, which is not good for the baby. They said that this meant that some nurses from the NICU would be here to check her out right after the delivery. I wasn't too concerned because it didn't sound like a big deal. Even after a couple hours of painful contractions, I was still only dilated to 2 cm so I got my first epidural. I didn't know that the process of getting the epidural inserted would be even more painful than the contractions! I immediately felt better afterwards and even slept through a couple hours of contractions. Then the epidural wore off. Over the next few hours, they upped the strength, gave me a second epidural, then upped the strength again. Nothing helped the pain. Soon I was dilated to 4 and then 6 and then I was telling the nurse that I felt the urge to push. I ended up pushing for an hour and a half. I CANNOT believe how painful it was! Brad was a great coach and soon I was watching Cameron being lifted over to the NICU nurses. I got to hold my girl for a minute before they took her down to the NICU. They called it meconium aspiration and she had to spend the rest of the week in the NICU so that they could make sure it was all out of her lungs and stomach. Needless to say, we are sooo happy to be home :)

First moments of life

I got to hold her for a second before they whisked her away to the NICU.

Visiting her for the first time in the NICU.

Later on in the day she had a few less cords.

First family photo!

Daddy's little girl

Her first outfit :)

Cameron had a special crib decorated by one of the nurses who works with Connie.

On our last night there, Cameron got to stay in our room with us. NO CORDS ATTACHED :)

She loved the car ride home.

The first meeting between Cameron and Axl.

Happy to finally be home

All swaddled up, enjoying her bouncy seat

Cousins Anna and Cameron meeting for the first time

Daddy sure knows how to give a good bath

"That bath made me hungry, Dad!"

Sleeping soundly on the blanket made by Great Aunt Rachel.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We are ready for you!

Well Brad and I went to the hospital around 5:30 this morning thinking that it was time. After a couple hours of walking, monitoring the baby, and checking my cervix, I was still only dilated to 2. They sent us home with a sleeping pill that knocked me out most of the day. I have absolutely no idea when this baby will come. My contractions have slowed way down now and are really irregular. I'm feeling really discouraged.

I took some new pictures of Cameron's nursery since it is constantly changing. We are sooo ready for you little girl!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Maternity Pictures

Brad and I had our pictures taken by Kendra Pence this past Friday. The proofs are up (but only for a week). To see them, go to, click on client proofing, then enter "amym" as the access code. You may have to register first before you can enter the access code.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My classroom is ready!

My workstation

Classroom Library

New Smartboard :)

Computer Stations

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting classroom ready

I went to the Dr on Wednesday and he said still about 2 cm dilated and almost 100% effaced. I keep thinking that she'll be here any day so I've been busy in my classroom trying to get everything set up for the beginning of the year. Thankfully the janitors and my mom have been helping and because of that it looks better than ever. When I'm completely done I'll post some pictures.

Monday, August 3, 2009

More showers!

I had two more showers in August; one from my mother-in-law and one from my friends. Brad and I have been given so many nice things by all our friends and family that we should have no trouble taking care of our new little girl :)

Self portrait before I went to the shower.

Brandy, me, and Jessi after the shower.

Me and Hailey

Last Thursday I was dilated to 2 with 80% effacement. I'm going back Wednesday morning for another check. I've had some random contractions and I can tell my body is changing again getting ready for Cameron to be born!